Saturday, July 6, 2019

Bücher Herunterladen The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey

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The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey

Bücher Herunterladen The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey

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The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey


This book uncovers what was lost when Christianity won…. a delightful book about destruction and despair. Nixey combines the authority of a serious academic with the expressive style of a good journalist. She’s not afraid to throw in the odd joke amid sombre tales of desecration. With considerable courage, she challenges the wisdom of history and manages to prevail. Comfortable assumptions about Christian progress come tumbling down. (The Times)Catherine Nixey has written a bold, dazzling and provocative book that challenges ideas about early Christianity and both how – and why – it spread so far and fast in its early days. Nixey is a witty and iconoclastic guide to a world that will be unfamiliar, surprising and troubling to many. (Peter Frankopan, author of The Silk Road)A searingly passionate book . . . Nixey writes up a storm. Each sentence is rich, textured, evocative, felt . . . Nixey delivers this ballista-bolt of a book with her eyes wide open and in an attempt to bring light as well as heat to the sad story of intellectual monoculture and religious intolerance (Bettany Hughes New York Times)Superb (Richard Dawkins)With passion, wit and thunderous eloquence, Nixey throws everything she has against the bishops, monks and Christian emperors of late antiquity ... ‘The Darkening Agerattles along at a tremendous pace, and Nixey brilliantly evokes all that was lost with the waning of the classical world. (Sunday Times)A book for the 21st century ... Nixey has a great story to tell, and she tells it exceptionally well. As one would expect from a distinguished journalist, every page is full of well-turned phrases that leap from the page ... finely crafted, invigorating ... [The Darkening Age] succeeds brilliantly. (Tim Whitmarsh Guardian)As Catherine Nixey points out in her vivid and important new book, the idea of the widespread persecution of Christians is a product of the Church’s marketing and recruitment techniques… Nixey is a funny, lively, readable guide through this dark world of religious oppression. She wisely insists at the start of her book that this account of cultural violence should not be read as an attack on those who are “impelled by their Christian faith to do many, many good things”. It is instead a reminder that “monotheism” (or, one could say, religion in general and Christianity in particular) can be used for “terrible ends”. (Emily Wilson New Statesman)Clever, compelling ... Readers raised in the milky Anglican tradition will be surprised to learn of the savagery of the early saints and their sledgehammer-swinging followers ... exceptionally well written. (Thomas W. Hodgkinson Spectator)Nixey has done an impressive job of illuminating an important aspect of late-antique Christianity. (Levi Roach Literary Review)Engaging and erudite, Catherine Nixey's book offers both a compelling argument and a wonderful eye for vivid detail. It shines a searching spotlight on to some of the murkiest aspects of the early medieval mindset. A triumph. (Edith Hall, author of The Ancient Greeks: Ten Ways They Shaped the Modern World)


A gripping account of how the early Christians viciously attacked the art and teachings of the Classical world from a brilliant young historian

Alle Produktbeschreibungen


Taschenbuch: 352 Seiten

Verlag: Pan (14. Juni 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1509816070

ISBN-13: 978-1509816071

Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 18 Jahren

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13 x 2,4 x 19,7 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

5 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 178 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

The book shows in clear language what caused the period we call the Dark Age: a new religion that was welcomed by those in power to rule their people, and which in return destroyed everything that was great once it was established. In many ways the similarities between Christianity and modern time ISIS are frightening, showing what fanaticism does to society and science.A book that should be a must read for all students.

An excellent work. This book shows that it is not just fanatical muslims who destroy historical places and books in the name of religious madness. The Christians beat them to it and were much worse because they had the whole of the Roman empire behind them.

Das Buch ist faszinierend und beleuchtet das frühe Christentum von einer anderen Perspektive. Unbedingte Leseempfehlung.

Sehr erleuchtend!

Wer kennt sie nicht,die Bilder aus dem mittleren Osten und Nordafrika wo fanatische Glaubensanhänger einer monotheistischen Religion Theater,Grabmäler und Büsten in die Luft gesprengt haben.. Ein neuzeitliches Phänomen? Leider nen. Als das Christentum in Rom zur Staatsreligion erklärt wurde sah es leider nicht viel besser aus. Die alten Tempel und Statuen der polytheistischen Götter des Mittelmeerraums wurden von fanatischen, christlichen "Heiligen", Mönchen und der aufgehetzten Menge im Namen des Kreuzes dem Erdboden gleichgemacht und deren Anhänger welche nicht zum Christentum konvertierten verfolgt oder umgebracht. Das einst so tolerante römische Imperium welches viele Kulte aus den eroberten Gebieten in seine eigenen Glaubenspantheon übernahm und so religiöse Freiheit garantierte solange diese nicht die Sicherheit des Staates gefährdete wandelte sich mit der Christianisierung zu einem monotheistischen Monster welches gnadenlos gegen seine religiösen Konkurrenten vorging. Über 90% des damaligen bekannten Wissens der antiken Welt fielen der Zerstörung oder Bücherverbrennungen zum Opfer, Europa wurde in ein neues dunkles Zeitalter geworfen. Catherin Nixey öffnet mit diesem Buch ein Kaptiel welches gerne von der heutigen Kirche verschwiegen wird wie z.B. die Ermordung der Mathematikern Hypatia welche von einem aufgebrachten christlichen Mob entführt und auf brutalste Arte und Weise ermordet wurde. Ein Buch das aufschreckt und zeigt wohin religiöse Intoleranz führen kann wie im Falle Roms zu einem Kollaps der gesamten antiken Zivilisation und dem Rückfall in die Barbarei.

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The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey PDF

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey PDF

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey PDF
The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, by Catherine Nixey PDF
July 06, 2019   Posted by freewarevideopokergba in with No comments


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